Planning your event: how to contribute
What can you, as a client of Norbert Zänker & Kollegen, do to optimise the assignments of conference interpreters?
To ensure a successful performance, our interpreters carefully prepare for every event. They revise their factual knowledge of the topic of your conference and amend their vocabulary.
By naming the exact themes and providing the interpreter with relevant material, you will as a client, provide a relatively simple, yet very effective contribution to the success of the interpreting process. All materials given to us prior the convention will of course be dealt with in confidence.
A list of helpful materials is as following:
• Program e.g. precise schedule
• List of orators and participants
• Presentations and manuscripts, also in their abbreviated form
• Conference documents for participants
• Background information (protocol of previous proceedings)
• A list of the company’s terminology
The precise and expertise training that is provided through this, directly benefits the participants.